I'm always up for trying new combos and new ways for natural living. I'll take bits and pieces from different sources and try it out. My latest, washing, and what we use. We have used Norwex washing powder for a couple of years now (it's amazing and if you want any info or to make an order you can contact my sister @pokarlla) And before that i used one my mum would make and one I would also (will post a how to blog to it so simple). So my routine lately consists of; 💧1 x scoop of Norwex Ultra Power Plus or less 💧a table spoon or two of bi carb on the clothes 💧a few drops of Dr. Bronner's pure soap lavender 💧white vinegar in the fabric softer part of your washing machine 💧then I either drop dōTERRA's Purify oil in the pure soap in a cup or in with the white vinegar for the smell You could use any scent of oil here, I love Purify, Lavender, Hoilday Joy blend, eucalyptus, germanium or of course a combo of oils 😍 Then you just put your machine on your regular wash! They come out so clean and fresh! Give it go! Even if your at the start of your natural living journey or want to try something new. Sometimes I just do the powder, bi carb and the vinegar, you can add them to any powder or washing soap and apparently it allows you to use way less soap this way, saving dollars! ↘️Do you have any washing tips? I'd love to hear everyone's washing routine 😍 send me a chat, email or connect via social media