We are a natural family, which means we are very conscienous and careful with what products we use and consume. We don't use any chemicals or ingredients that are harmful to our health, short or long term. Not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. Chemicals can impact us and especially children in so many ways you just don't even think about. Some include brain activity, behaviour, skin reaction, how they sleep at night time, how they process information, digestion, emotional state and more. This means we don't use your commonly generic brands and some main products we just don't use at all. Here is a list of all the products we use and our main substitutes. You will find that almost any thing can be substituted and so much easier than you think. It's all about just starting at one spot and continuing adding as you go. I am still adding and will always continue to do my research and I'm never closed minded or fixed on an opinion and will change accordingly. Being adaptive is a good characteristic.
In no particular order or category I'll add to this list as i remember and will try to add links or suggestions on where to find the products. Please feel free to Email me if you have any questions about substituting or any of the products I mention and please also email me and let me know your suggestions or if you find anything on my list to have harmful ingredients. Happy Reading!
Love Jarns x
Cleansing products and cloths : Norwex - you can contact my sister for any product info or to purchase any of their products Contact Pokarlla
Washing powder: make our own from washing soda (local supermarket) essential oils, grated soap or pure soap flakes, bicarb and citric acid or Norwex ultra power plus washing powder also see my blog post under lifestyle
Deprdorant: homemade balm, made by my mum, oil bees wax, essential oils
Butter: only organic no additives, so milk solids and salt, ghee, coconut oil, nothing so like honey, nut spreads, avocado
Shampoo and conditioner: this one is hard and hard to find completely clean. Only a few come really close, you can get some that are definitely a lot better but almost always have 1 or 2 bad ingredients still. Here are a few I still use that are natural but not completely free. Doterra"s range - not great, instinct - okay (Woolworths), acure - really good iherb acure search
Cocoa or chocolate: organic cocao powder, pana chocolate, loving earth - local super market or online
Yoghurt: make your self 24 hour ferment, organic cows milk or coconut milk, coyo brand is also really good - my sisters blog has wonderful recipes to follow Click here!
Perfume or cologne: essential oils but you can also DIY pure alcohol, essential oils and water.
Tanning oil: coconut oil and a bought one, I currently use Bali body, and making my own
Sunscreen/Sun Protection: none and sun rules such as times to go out, building up resistance, covering up with clothing, in moderation, and we use a sun cream balm one that my mum makes. Another one that isn't 100% but moo goo (local health food shop), badger company baby sun cream(yet to try it) Click here
Noodles: rice noodle such as vermicili, angel hair rice or other grain free pasta beside wheat pasta
Sugars/Sweetners: maple syrup, honey, pure vanilla bean, coconut sugar
Creams/milk: coconut milk and cream, any organic brand
Toothpaste: any herbal or natural toothpastes from the supermarket or health food shops. Some of the brands include: macro, grants, red seal and we order the on guard doterra one too
Baby powder: cornflour, essential oils, literally put in a shaker container or you can use the cornflour on its own. So much cheaper and not harmful to your family